Let’s Chat! | Sparking Fun Conversations with Friends

Hey friends!
I’ve been pondering our tagline lately: “Books, cuppas, conversations, and friends.” It perfectly captures the cozy vibe I want this space to have, doesn’t it? But “conversations” really stuck with me. We’re here to share our love of books and warm drinks, but more importantly, we’re here to connect!
I thought, what better way to build those connections than by sparking some fun and unique conversations? So, I’ve put together a list of 15 get-to-know-you questions that go beyond the usual “What’s your favorite color?” Let’s dive in and learn a little more about each other!
Let’s Chat (choose 3 or more to answer in the comments)
- What are your favorite cuppas? I drink a lot of coffee, and iced tea is a runner-up in my day. Although I might like a cuppa of hot tea or two in the evenings.
- What’s one of your favorite sweet treats? That would be maple donuts for me.
- How about a favorite savory meal? I enjoy liver and sauteed onions with mashed potatoes.
- What’s your favorite genre to read? WWII historical fiction.
- What’s a skill you’d love to master, even if it seems completely impractical? Calligraphy.
- What is a trend from your childhood that you wish would come back? Big Hair, Leg warmers, Sitcoms.
- What’s a natural phenomenon (sunset, thunderstorm, aurora borealis, bioluminescence, etc.) that you find awe-inspiring? I so love thunderstorms and snowstorms.
- What is one thing that you find to be inexplicably funny? When in a conversation with someone and they say “so” I sometimes say “buttons”.It tickles me into snorting giggles.
- What is the most beautiful sound that you have ever heard? My girls laughing when they were little.
- What’s a favorite game or toy you used to play with as a kid? Hide and go seek and kick the can ( at night with the neighborhood kids).
- What was your favorite cartoon or TV show as a child? Scooby Doo
- What is 1 or 2 of your favorite classic TV shows? The Golden Girls, The Cosby Show, the Love Boat and Mary Tyler Moore
- What was your favorite thing to do on a lazy Sunday afternoon? Going for Sunday drives after church and lunch.
- What was (is) your favorite thing to do during a family road trip? Play I Spy and see how many different license plates you could spot.
- Did you enjoy this get to know one another activity? Yes!
I’m so excited to hear your answers! Respond to some in the comments below, and let’s get to know each other better.
Let’s turn this little corner of the internet into a vibrant hub of books, cuppas, and genuine connections.
Happy reading and chatting!
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What a fun post! I drink instant decaf coffee (instant due to heart rhythm issues). Some scoff at that, but I like it and it feels homey and comfy to me. I don’t care for flavored coffees or creamers. Unfortunately, I don’t like hot tea.
I like way too many sweets. 🙂 Probably the favorite would be Texas Sheet Cake–Cracker Barrel has something similar in its Double Chocolate Coca-Cola Cake.
I read a variety of genres but love Christian fiction the most.
I’d love to learn how to play the piano and paint. I know I could take lessons in either or both, but don’t have the time just now.
I love sunrises and sunsets, God’s creativity and majesty on display.
Favorite cartoon as a kid: Underdog. 🙂
I really only drink ice water and that’s it. Oh I have been trying to teach myself calligraphy again. I used to have a few pen and ink sets that I used a lot in high school and had gotten quite good at it but I seem to have forgotten how to do it all. I would LOVE to see sitcoms come back into fashion that and the good 80’s/90’s rom com movies that were both sweet and cute and fun but not raunchy and stupid like the ones they seem to make today.
What a fun post! 🙂 We must be around the same age because so many of these are similar for me. I don’t drink coffee or tea, but I love hot chocolate. I love it so much I make my own sugar-free. ha Chocolate is my favorite sweet treat. I love thunderstorms, too! I wish we’d bring back sitcoms, too. I really liked the Golden Girls and Cosby Show. I loved Family Ties, too. I’d love to learn calligraphy. I really liked Scooby Doo, too–and I have a funny story about that. For some reason, when I was in elementary school Scooby Doo came on during school time (like at 1:00 or something). So I only got to watch it if I was home sick. If it was an episode that was “to be continued,” I always told my mom I needed one more day at home just so I could watch because I couldn’t take the suspense or not knowing how it ended. ha 🙂