How Personalized DIY Books are Self-Care

How Personalized DIY Books are Self-Care

The old adage says you can’t pour from an empty bucket. What that means to you and me is that if we aren’t full, whole, or complete, we have nothing to give. This is surely not the only place you’ve come across this idea, but it bears repeating: Taking care of ourselves is so important!

I think self-care is talked about a lot these days for three reasons. First, we live in a world (or a culture, anyway) so focused on productivity. Second, we are quick to believe we “don’t have time” for a lot of things, including stopping to smell the roses. And, third, there’s an underlying belief out there that self-care is selfish.

But What if We Thought About Productivity, Busy-ness, and Self-Care This Way?

Self-care is actually both empowering and enabling. When I have a “full bucket,” so to speak, I’m capable. I have the strength and energy to do the things I want to do. (Doing everything everyone wishes I would do is another thing entirely. All three of my part-time jobs are in high demand. There’s a shortage of both ASL instructors and ASL interpreters. My work as a photo solutions guide is equally needed but is currently the only one I still want to actively grow–the one I’m not turning down additional opportunities for like the others–because it works so differently and isn’t such a demand on my time.)

I’m sure you’re like me in that you’ve had times when so much was going on that you couldn’t really think straight. And that’s really the point of self-care. You’re better off–and so is everyone around you–when you can think straight. 🙂 In “You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup: Self-Care Isn’t Selfish,” author Lauren Carter explains:

Self-care allows us humans to maintain balance and continue functioning like a well-oiled machine that increases our ability to help care for others.

As I have guided people through saving, organizing, and sharing their photos, videos, and family memories, I have seen that a common roadblock is time. Because of that, I am drawn to articles and strategies to help people find time. In doing so, I have learned that we don’t find time for anything. We make it.

I read a wonderful, inspiring blog post by Lisa at Lisa Notes entitled “Can You Do it Slower?” In it, she tried listening to a podcast about time, productivity, and purpose while she finished up her day. She set the speed to 2x and hurried about so she could accomplish everything she set out to do and still have time for some additional things she wanted to do. If you need to slow down, I highly recommend the read so you can learn what Lisa learned, like I did. Sometimes doing things slower can have the greatest impact.

And I’ve learned that that’s the secret. We have to make time for whatever matters to us. And I’ve learned that this changes over time, too. Maybe you’re caring for a baby or an elderly parent. Maybe you work two full-time jobs. Some things take a lot of time. But we don’t really “find” time. We have to set it aside and reserve it.

And then there’s productivity. We think of it as accomplishing things and checking things off our to-do lists.

But what if it’s not?

We often think productivity means to work. It doesn’t. Productivity means to make intentional choices towards a goal. The choice could be to pause. The goal could be to replenish. Productivity could mean to rest.

And This is How Personalized DIY Books are Productive *and* Self-Care

So, if productivity actually means intentional choices toward a goal, what does that look like?

If I can pause, replenish, and rest, how is that being productive?

Let me give you the perfect example!

Multiple studies have been done on the effects our photos have on us. Among others, Gretchen Rubin and Dr. Peter Naish each discovered that interacting with our photos increases both happiness and relaxation. In fact, Dr. Naish’s study compared photos to other common go-tos that we like to do when we want to feel happier such as watching TV or eating chocolate. He found that eating, drinking, watching TV, and listening to music only boosted mood by 1%. Photos, on the other hand, boosted mood by 11%, providing me with my new favorite statistic:

And photos increase relaxation by a whopping 22%!

When you combine photos with the well-known practice of journaling for therapeutic benefits (many of them listed there), you get the whole package! And you can get something like this:

What all this means is that setting aside some time to spend with your photos–a proven self-care activity that will make you happier and more relaxed–is actually productive self-care.

Who knew there was such a thing?! Isn’t that marvelous?! Let that sink in:

Setting aside some time to spend with your photos–a proven self-care activity that will make you happier and more relaxed–is actually productive self-care.

Spending time with your photos and memories is productive because you’re pausing, and resting, and replenishing. It can actually fill your bucket!

How to Start

To spend time with your photos and memories for self-care that you’ll love, I suggest starting small with something you’ll enjoy doing.

Maybe you want to make a yearbook showcasing photos and memories from the past year. (I’ve got some awesome, free templates for you at that link.)

Maybe it’s just organizing your photos. (I know organizing might not sound like fun at first, but trust me. Spending that time feels so good. I decided to take my own advice to try out my Ten Minutes Daily Plan and I scanned in my youngest child’s baby book pages. It was wonderful!)

Another great photo activity that’s productive (see our new definition of productive above) is to digitally tag and add descriptions to your digital photos. (I personally recommend doing this with photos saved in Forever Storage because the metadata there stays with the photo. Platforms like Apple and Google only allow you to access the metadata–which is like “writing on the back of” a digital photo–while the photos are in the platform. Not only that, Forever has a 100-year guarantee.) Spending a little time, even 10 minutes, recalling good times and seeing old faces is mood-boosting, cup-filling self-care.

Whatever you choose to do with your photos, it’s probably an item on your to-do list anyway. But I recommend taking “do something with my photos” off your to-do list and instead using it as important self-care. Think about it differently. Yes, it’s something “productive” in the get-it-done sense of the word, but productivity is an intentional choice towards a goal. Productivity can be replenishment. Productivity can mean to pause and rest.

And your photos are an amazing source for all those things.

Who knew that one of the best self-care methods was right in your pocket?!

This blog post was featured at The Crazy Little Lovebirds linkup!

This blog post was featured at the Wednesdays in the Studio linkup!

This blog post was featured at the Will Blog for Comments linkup!

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12 thoughts on “How Personalized DIY Books are Self-Care

    1. It really does fantastic things for the heart and soul. It’s always time well-spent. 🙂 Thanks for stopping in and sharing your thoughts with us, Susan!

  1. Fascinating post! I had no idea that photos had such a positive effect. And yes, while I realize self-care is very important, its taken me a long time to overcome the societal imperative to be productive.

    1. I love these thoughts, Michelle. I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. Yes, I’ve been blown away the more I learn about what photos do for us over the years. I, too, have had a hard time with the societal ideas of productivity, and I enjoyed this new thought on it. Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts with us.

  2. Oh I LOVE spending time with my photos because I’m also spending time remember our trips and other fun life evens I’m trying to memorialize.. and I hope that they give equal pleasure to those that look at them afterwards too.

    1. Beautifully said, Joanne! My sister-in-law calls it “re-loving” memories instead of “re-living” them. 🙂 Thanks for this great perspective. Happy to have you visit.

  3. I love that you use memory books as a tool for self care! I blog about simple living and use journaling as a tool to help my audience simplify their lives. I’m a fan of every and any type of journal, and keep a bullet journal, art journals, daily notes, and have made dozens of scrapbooks with my photos. I agree that any type of personalized book is a very powerful tool that is accessible to anyone!

  4. I love looking back on photos. I’m able to reflect on those memories, and there’s just something about revisiting those happy moments that is so meaningful. Great post, Jennifer. Featuring your post tomorrow at the Crazy Little Lovebirds link party.

    1. Well-said, Stephanie! Being able to revisit happy moments is so meaningful! It’s so good for our hearts. 🙂 Thank you for visiting and for the thoughtful comment, and well as the feature! I’m so thrilled to be featured at TCLL!

  5. I love spending time with my photos. And this is a fantastic article because it’s so true. I find it so therapeutic.
    I appreciate you so much! And I appreciate you sharing with Bookish Bliss Musings & More Quarterly Link Up dear friend.

  6. I love spending time with my photos. And this is a fantastic article because it’s so true. I find it so therapeutic.
    I appreciate you so much! And I appreciate you sharing with Bookish Bliss Musings & More Quarterly Link Up dear friend.

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